Saturday, October 15, 2016


Dear Blogger, this morning I killed two flies that were doin it.

Zombie Girl Fink
I'm going to make a practice of posting all my sketches (for better or worse) every once in a while. The full dump (lol) will be on pinterest, but I'll announce them all here for those who don't have a pinterest account or just don't want to follow me (but why though?).

Fair warning I do want to include everything I've sketched as a kind of honesty/growth/progress thing, so there will be Bad Art and NSFW on there. Check there if you want to see progress pieces.

Sketch Dump

I'm also posting my Pinterest profile. That will have a collection of all finished work and also a ton of boards with references and inspirations if you'd like to check those out.

I'd like to make an enamel pin out of this guy, but I need a bit more
 money before I start with that

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